Every blogger wants success—you, me, and all.
However, success is not easy to achieve. Several blogging beginners spend years before they hit any milestone. Whereas the majority (80%) of them fail.
Blogging gurus will list dozens of reasons, and they are not even wrong. You have probably failed for one of those listed reasons. However, in this article, I want to give you a very different formula to become a successful blogger.
I have been blogging for 4+ years, but my actual growth started after I discovered this success formula for blogging. As a blogging mentor, it’s my core objective to teach this success formula to my students as well. (Read my full journey.)
The formula is in the mindset.
And mindset isn’t something I can turn on and off in a second. Therefore, read this full article and take time to absorb these mindset tips until you have this unique realization.

These few realizations would ultimately transform your weak mindset into a powerful blogging mindset.
Let’s understand them one-by-one.
1. Find Your blog Purpose
I always share this quote with my blogging mentees:
If your WHY is powerful, then your HOW is easy.
Blogging is generally seen as an easy way to make money online. And I don’t even deny this! A small investment, a laptop, and an average writing skill are all you need to start a blog. Even though there is no legal documentation, there is massive earning potential.
But blogging is different from other businesses. It demands your passion. It’s an art more than a business. It’s a sport. It’s love. It’s a purpose. And those who focus on making money usually fail.
Blogging Mindset #1: Strengthen your purpose of blogging. Don’t make money your primary objective. Identify the problems of your audience and challenge yourself to help them with your blog content. Be a purposeful blogger.
This will take time. Maybe a few months. But stay consistent. Identify your niche and audience, and challenge yourself to help your audience. If you help them solve their problem, your audience will unknowingly help you get rich as a blogger.
2. Invest with right Mindset
So many blogging beginners torture themselves into investing $100 in their hosting and domain names. And, hence, their first expectation is to get their invested money back from their blog.
Well! If you think this way, it’s better not to invest.
Blogging Mindset #2: Invest in blogging with a choice intended for your purpose, unconditioned by return. Free yourself from the burden of the investment you have made.
Be mindful. Focus on the purpose of your blog rather than calculating and expecting the return on your investment.
Rough estimation of investment needed to start a blog:
- Money to purchase hosting (approximately $8300₹ for 4 years)
- Blogging mentorship (optional, approx. 4999₹ for 10 sessions)
3. Mindset of Creating Targeted Content
Content creation consumes 80% of your effort in the beginning. And it’s the #1 factor for your blog’s growth. So, we definitely expect some mindset factors here as well.
Present-day blogging beginners rely on content writing tools like ChatGPT and QuillBot for writing and paraphrasing blog articles. It’s no less than cheating 80% in your blogging.
Creating beautiful content should be your most lovely thing.
Check: Create quality blogs with these 15 guides.
You can’t expect loyal customers at your restaurant with a poor chef. You need to focus on your menu items. The smell should spread and attract them to come back again and again for your lovely dishes.
Blogging Mindset #3: Blogging is purely about creating content, so quit this mindset of having a hack or trick to create content. Focus on creating content that attracts, engages, and connects your readers.
Hiring a freelance writer to outsource your blog post is a good idea, but stick with them in the process. Develop your own content guidelines.
4. Growth means - ups and downs
Almost every startup journey is a roller coaster. Not every day is the same. And blogging is no different.
The #1 tip to build a growth mindset in blogging is to stick to your purpose rather than growth numbers. The graph in Google Search Console will go up and down, but, no matter what, stick with your purpose. The long-term impact of such a purposeful growth mindset will be positive.
Here’s what the startup curve looks like, and probably your blog will follow a similar curve as well.

Building a growth mindset isn’t just being logical. It’s more about the realization. And, therefore, it takes time. Logic can just help you open the right window so that the wind of realization enters your room.
Blogging Mindset #4: Build a growth mindset with realization rather than logic. Have your eyes on your purpose and not on your hopeful plans. Growth comes with wobbling. Don’t be stiff.
Meet new bloggers with your purpose rather than your hopeful plans. Check your consistency, and if you feel negativity and insecurity about your growth, take a break. Go for a walk, cook your favorite dish, exercise, or dance to your playlist. Refresh yourself.
5. Earing from Blog Is Equally Important
I have been restricting you a lot from prioritizing earning.
But blog earning is important. It’s the motivation. It’s your fuel for blogging. In fact, it’s the ultimate goal for 99% of the bloggers.
You should keep an eye on how you are going to implement monetization with your blog, such as through Google AdSense, the Amazon Associates programme, and many more.But, all after 6–12 months.
As a fresh beginner, don’t expect any earning so that you can later earn.
Blogging Mindset #5: Earning from a blog is everyone’s ultimate goal. And it’s highly important to keep you motivated. It accelerates your blog. But give yourself enough time to prepare for monetization. Don’t over-emphasise earning as a beginner.
Here’s my personal scale for bloggers in terms of post numbers:
- With 100 quality blogs, you will start loving your blog.
- With 200 quality blogs, start implementing monetization.
- With 500 quality blogs, you will start making money.
- With 1,000 quality blogs, you will never need a job.
6. Your Journey is Unique - Don't compare
Several bloggers ruin their good enough mindset by comparing themselves with other successful bloggers.
Don’t you think it’s unjustified to compare your one month of progress with someone’s years of results? And, even if you learn anything from their success stories, that isn’t going to benefit you much because there is no guarantee that the strategies or tips they used for their success will equally work for you.
Blogging Mindset #6: Focus on your journey. Identify your requirements and fill your gaps in blogging. If you look at others’ pace, you won’t be able to focus on your race.
So, avoid comparing yourself.
A powerful blogging mindset will produce positive results in your blogging journey. And you have read my above-suggested tips to build it.
Now, practice and develop it.
If you are still facing any queries related to blogging, reach out to me or apply for blogging mentorship.
Thank you so much sir To give me the right direction I followed many so-called blogging gurus. They told us to choose a niche, choose a domain name, find competitors and start. But they don’t teach How to build the right mindset to achieve goals. All of your points are very well but 4 and 6 points are changed my mindset. Thank you so much