Session 05: Content Ideas, Google Docs, & Articles + Related Concepts.

In this session, we will discuss about how you can never run of content ideas and the steps of writing an article. 

Session Highlights:

Content Ideas in Your Niche

To get started with your article writing, you have to come up with content ideas. Some steps and strategies will be decided how you can come up with content ideas.

Google Docs & Content writing

Basics of Google Docs and how can you write valuable content for your audience will be discussed.

Content Drafting

Content drafting to WordPress is an important stage on WordPress blogging. The process of drafting your article will be consulted with you.


  • Complete the drafting of the article & and finalize the typography, text color, text size for your paragraphs & headings of your article. 
  • Prepare a list of 10 article you want to publish in the next two months
  • Decide the category of the article you want to publish. 
  • Write down the steps to post article in Elementor (WordPress) in your progress Doc. 
  • Create a social media post (LinkedIn) & share your learning (Optional)

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