Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought – Albert Szent Gyorgi
One of the common problems that every blogger faces is lack of content ideas. At times, you start to feel that everything is already written, there is nothing interesting left to write about.
I can related to this very easily, as I also felt the same when I started writing about startup and entrepreneurship on my first website, i.e.,
However, as you know, every problem has a solution. So, I am here to guide you on how you can get tons of content ideas for your new blog with few of these methods. But before starting to those methods, I want you to tune your mindset in a different way as mentioned below.
Firstly, you are not writing it for the world, you are writing it for your selected audience. Secondly, even though a lot of articles are written on almost every topic, but you have to write it for your audience and in your way.
For example, the article you are reading now is written for my blogging mentees (those who are enrolled in my blogging mentorship) and I am writing it in my own way. With this mindset, I have so much to write, and I never run out of content ideas.
So, read these 8 methods mentioned below & pick topics that matters to your website and your audience, and achieve your blogging goals.
Let’s get started!
1. Stop hating your competitors!
As a beginner in blogging, sometimes we have a very revolting nature for our competitors. We avoid visiting their blogs or reading their articles, just to save some page views for them. Such nature will not take us far in the blogging business.
Your competitors are already doing good research to find topics for their articles or social posts. They are implementing several good strategies in their content, which you can easily figure out by tracking their moves. If there is anything good which can benefit to your audience, implement it to your website as well, but, in your way.
Ignoring your competitors will never make you ahead in competition, understanding them can do.
However, don’t forget to add your own taste to the competitor’s concepts to avoid any sort of plagiarism or duplicity. You are only exploring their website to gain ideas and implementing them on your blog in your way.
You can also subscribe to the newsletters of the top websites in your niche and stay updated with the trending topics.
2. Brainstorm: Quarrel with your own brain
Brainstorming is one of the best techniques to search for content ideas. Visit to a quiet place, take a pen and a piece of paper and start unloading your brain with whatever ideas come into your mind.
You brain has more ideas than those that you consciously know.
Brainstorming is the best way dig out those hidden ideas from the mind. To do brainstorming, you just require a quite place, a pen and paper to note down the points once your mind start puking ideas.
Simply, start questioning what is apparent, and let your mind reply to it. Sometimes support mind, sometimes go against it, but quarrel with your mind as much as you can. This is called brainstorming.
Brainstorming is the oldest tactic and works the best to discover unlimited content ideas.
For example, suppose you have to write on metaverse, but you are not sure what to write on! The best way to find out is to quarrel with your mind on this topic. Is metaverse good? Why it should never be introduced to the world? How it will destroy health? Will it go something good to the environment? Is metaverse really real? etc. Based on what you know and what you don’t know, prepare a list of points and then figure out how it can best be produced as articles.
3. If you don't know? Ask Google
Google not only works as a search engine but also helps us to find out content ideas. Google introduced autocomplete in the year 2008 which was later expanded to Google Instant in the year 2010.
Simply, you have to write some terms and start searching for them and the suggestions will give you infinite ideas.

Apart from Google search, related posts also help you to search for content ideas. Whenever you will search for ideas you will see related posts at the bottom of the content. These related posts work as a goldmine for bloggers and content creators.

4. Social media platforms are loaded with Ideas
Social media platforms is one that gives primary traffic to your blogs and lots of content ideas. You can find ideas on Twitter, Instagram, Quora, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.
Go to the explore section on Twitter and search for the trending #hashtags around your niche and it will show you the trending topics. Check several posts, comments on those posts and you will get several topic ideas for post.
Quora is well known for its topic research ability, as it has tons of questions directly from the Quora users, and you can pick the most trending questions from there and use it for your blog topic.

On Instagram, you will find out several topic leaders in your niche. Simply, follow their account and check their posts and reels to stay updated with trending topics.
5. YouTube videos
Do you ever wonder if YouTube videos you are watching can be the next topic for your blog?
YouTube is the second most visited website with so much of video content in every niche and topic. You can get limitless content ideas for your blog with these videos.
Watch videos such as TedTalks, debates, conferences, interviews, etc., make notes of them, and implement those ideas in your blog.
6. Understand the pain points of your audience
Before getting started with your blog, you have to figure out the pain points of your audience & readers. Let’s see how you can figure out the pain points.
- Create a survey and ask questions.
- Create a poll and keep track of the votes.
- Try to receive feedback.
- Schedule a discovery call and have a casual conversation and understand their pain points.
With these techniques, you can reach out to your targeted audience, and to solve their problems you can create a blog on that particular topic.
7. Try different tools
The first tool which will assist you in finding content ideas is Answer the Public. It is a keyword tool where you will find ideas in the structure of questions. Enter a topic in your niche and several keywords and questions will appear in a circle form which you can use for your blogs.

The second tool is Ubersuggest. it is a free keyword research tool where you can figure out the trending keywords and questions.
Last but not least is Google Trends. It is a useful search trend feature that shows the trending search term that is entered into the google search engine.
8. Read books in your niche
Are you fond of reading books?
If not, read books in your niche and you can collect unlimited ideas from there. Books help us to get into deep thoughts and we form our own opinions.
If you read books carefully in every line you will get some content ideas that you can easily implement in your blog and attract your readers and audience.
These are the 8 steps by which you can get tons of content ideas. I hope you got a clear overview and now you will never run off content ideas.
So, hurry up and implement these steps to share valuable knowledge with your audience and readers.