The question, “Is blogging dead?” recurs every year with an update. But, something quite opposite happens — blogging grows even popular.
About 7.5 million blogs posts are published every day. According to DesignInc, 33,000 domain names are registered every day. This means one thing — people are creating new blogs actively!
It leads us to one conclusion, blogging will be even popular in the coming years. In this blog post, we’ll share 7 signs why our statement seems to be the case.
7 Signs Indicating the Growing Popularity of Blogging
Blogging isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. Here are 7 signs that indicate the longevity of blogs and search:
1. Google’s number of searches is very high
Google receives 5.9 million searches per minute, according to Statista 2023. To put it in perspective, it’s roughly 8.5 billion searches per day, or 3.1 trillion in a year.
Since people are searching so much, it leads us to believe that more blogs will emerge in the coming years. New opportunities bring people close to new ideas. Thus, they create new websites.
2. New niches have emerged in the market
The launch of ChatGPT led people to believe that blogging will be dead now. However, the opposite happened.
ChatGPT’s launch gave all the AI companies a boost. To name a few — GravityWrite, Blink, HeyGen — received a lot of recognition. This led people to discover an unsaturated market and dive into it.
New bloggers emerged in the brand-new “AI niche” and scaled quickly. Since people were searching for AI tools everyday, it was fairly easy.
The same will happen again. New, unsaturated markets will soar high and people will tune in for the opportunities. This makes ‘blogging’ unshakable.
3. Companies are seeing the potential
One study shows that businesses that blog have 55% more web visitors than those that don’t. It’s clear that blogging can also enhance marketing efforts. Consequently, bringing better results.
Companies are now seeing the potential that blogging has. Those who didn’t have a ‘blog’ section are now adding it. It can also be seen with the hiring posts for writers.
4. Blogging is an effective approach to content marketing
People often search for queries related to their purchases or medical concerns. For instance, someone with a severe toothache would search for the ‘nearest dentist’. In these queries, people go directly to the top website.
Similarly, in B2B, let’s say a business wants to run an email campaign. So, their search query can land them on an email marketing company’s blog. Thus, eventually leading the prospect to the company’s services.
High-quality, converting blogs address the problem first. This makes blogging as effective as email campaigns for marketing.
5. AI Overviews aren’t killing your blog
Short-length search queries have AI overviews. If the user finds an answer within the overview, they skip reading any articles. However, many search queries are still there that AI overviews can’t answer.

One pro tip would be to find your audience’s pain points. This will help you find queries that aren’t skippable. Thus, AI overviews aren’t killing your blog but enhancing the traffic.
6. Personal blogs are an essential for brands
The new way of marketing isn’t direct advertising, but being personal. Customers want to know the person behind a brand. This leads us to the concept of ‘personal branding’.
‘Personal branding’ has become an essential in recent years. From authors to entrepreneurs, people are creating their personal blogs to promote their products.
These blogs are a medium for people to share their brands’ stories, opinions, and news. It helps customers feel emotionally connected with the brand. Thus, creating a strong bond.
7. Writers are shifting to blogs
Many freestyle writers create content for the fun of it. For instance, poetry blogs and stories are popular among avid readers.
Although platforms like Medium allow writers to create, some want to have their platform. It’s similar to personal blogs. However, it could be on a more creative domain name. Think of ‘peace.whisperer’ for a poetry blog.
Since many people write for themselves, it gives blogging an edge. Thus, adding to the list of reasons.
Blogging has been around for nearly two decades now, and will continue to grow further. It isn’t going anywhere. Instead, new releases will enhance the experience.
At 1MillionBlogs, we’ve helped many businesses and bloggers scale their blogs effortlessly. If you’re thinking of starting one, we can help you too. Connect with our mentor, Satya, for a free tour of our process!