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1millionblogs is a mission to help 1 Million (10 Lakh) blogging beginners to start, grow their traffic to 1 million (at least) and earn 1million from their blog.

1millionblogs provides blogging mentorship and blog growth mentorship to beginners and struggling bloggers from across the globe.

We have only one mentor here. His name is “Satya Prakash” and he accept 8-10 blogging students per month. So, there are limited monthly enrollment for mentorship.

We have several blogging students (mentees) joining the program from across the world. But, majority of our mentees are from India. Few are from US, one from Australia, one from Philippines, a few from Nigeria. In total, there are around 50+ mentees in the past 1 year.

The mentorship is purely one-on-one. The sessions are done through G-meet or Zoom call. The timing are usually decided based on mutual availability.

Blogging will be dead only if internet is dead! Because any content you read on the internet are a form of blog written by some blogger.

Even the rise of AI tools isn’t going to take away blogging from the main internet. AI tools came like a tsunami, and it’s trend will go down significantly and then slowly its saturate to a justified involvement in content creation. 

If you are expecting money during your initial phases of blogging, then you are not ready for blogging. Because blogging is a long game. However, as a mentor, I can help you reduce this long journey significantly, still you have to put enough effort for 3-6 months before you start making money.

Yes. In fact, this is base of your blog. This is our first priority and only after this, there is a meaning in taking the blogging mentorship. A good niche is one that sticks to your mind, that glows your face when your first discover it. If you find your favorite niche, you will be filled with excitement. Apart from this, a good niche is easy to monetize, and has higher search volume keywords with lower keyword difficulty.

You need 4 essential things:

  1. A laptop or desktop
  2. Basic writing skills
  3. Budget for hosting (Hostinger recommended)
  4. A consistent timing
  5. A blogging mentor (Imp. but optional)

Blogging with WordPress is quite affordable. Hosting is required, which cost around 4000-4500₹ for 1 year of hosting. 8,838₹ for 4 years of hosting from Hostinger. SSL and domain comes free with this hosting.

If you want to start with my mentorship, additional mentorship charges of 4999₹ for Indian student, while $199 for USA, European and other developed countries.

You can directly message me in my WhatsApp number. Else, you can even message in LinkedIn, or mail me at:

If any queries is unresolved, reach me out on WhatsApp or LinkedIn 
