Schedule a Discovery Call

Introduce your blogging vision with the mentor

No more waiting for the form approval

If convenient, ping me “hello” on WhatsApp at +91 8360080175 and schedule a FREE discovery call with the blogging mentor.


Discovery call is the first introductory interaction between you and the mentor. It’s a free call, done over ZOOM or Google Meet, to know and understand your mission and vision, your blogging potential and also explain the working of 1millionblogs mentorship.

Mostly it’s 40 minutes, but based on your queries and interest, this can be extended by 10 or 15 minutes. 

If you are struggling with weak internet connection, I would suggest you to wait until you have have strong connection. Discovery call is best in Google Meet or ZOOM. But, incase, there is no possibility of face-to-face meeting, we can go for normal telephonic call. 

Our primary objective of discovery call involves:

  • Learning about your journey of blogging so far
  • Your past blogging attempts
  • Your vision of your blog
  • Your skills and resources you have to start a blog
  • What is the best process for you to start a blog
  • Your queries that you have 
  • And, at the end, sharing how 1milionblogs mentorship can help you. 
Our latest Discovery call