Session 03: Elementor, Page Designs, WPForms Reference Blogs.

This session will give you a complete guide about Elementor, page designs, WPForms, pages and posts and steps to plan your first article.

Session Highlights:

Elementor Plugin:

Elementor plugin is a block editor that helps you to create beautiful web-pages. Detailed description of Elementor plugin will be discussed here.

How to Design Pages Using Elementor:

After getting the knowledge about Elementor, you will get a step-by-step process on how can you design your web-pages using Elementor. Prepare a list of pages (About us, home page, post page, service page, contact us page, privacy policy page, etc.) that you wish to design and create a structure of the website.

Setup Form Using WPForms:

WPForms helps you to create beautiful contact forms, subscription forms etc. We will explore the setup of forms using WPForms.

Analyze Reference Website:

Having a reference website is a powerful way to build your own website. Here we will analyze reference website and how you can implement the ideas gathered from the reference website to your website.


  • Read about (Gutenberg + classic + Elementor) editor.
  • Learn about these editors and write down what you understand about these editors in progress doc.
  • Use reference website and plan the design of your pages.
    1. Different section of home page
    2. Different section of about us page
    3. Different section of service page (optional)
    4. Blog page
    5. Different section of contact us page
    6. Other pages (if any)
  • Design page layout along with content.
  • Research some content ideas around your niche which you want to publish on your website. 